Last year, Nanda Nandkishore had a shock. He attended a heart health screening believing he'd pass with flying colors — after all, at almost 50, he was in good shape, with a healthy diet, a ski exercise machine at home, and only a little weight around his midriff...
You can read the full story done by Mountain View Voice here (there is one error in the story; Nanda was never prescribed statin medication, he tried the diet and exercise route and has been able to control his heart disease risk factors without medication).

Mentions in the Media to date:
Once you learn the principles, you will be able to make the right substitutions for the traditional ingredients and that will enable you and your family to enjoy traditional foods on festive occasions and special days in a way that is healthier.
You can read the full story written by Purnima for India Currents magazine here
November 15, 2009, Inspiration for Heart-Healthy Cooking with Indian Flavors
a success story brings a fusion food cookbook to market
You can read the full press release here .

that's what has led to this interestingly multicultural cookbook -- with recipes for hummus with cilantro and brussels sprouts with artichokes or asparagus and beets with fennel vinaigrette as well as loads of other foods which emphasize nutritionally useful foods which focus on heart health, and spiced with a truly Indian flair. Read the full article about Amrit from bibliochef here.
"Amrit: Luscious & Heart-Healthy Indian Meals by Purnima Nandkishore is a well-researched, practical collection of recipes and information that empowers us to eat healthy" - says Sheela on delectable-victuals.  Read her full review here.
A healthy heart is a happy heart. Purnima Nandkishore, author of “Amrit: Luscious & Heart-Healthy Indian Meals,” seems to have been fully aware of the saying. This is not your average cookbook.  Read the review in the February issue of Khaas Baat here.
...That's why "Amrit: Luscious & Heart-Healthy Indian Meals" is such a welcome and enthusiastically recommended addition to personal and community library cookbook collections. Read the full review from The Midwest Book Review here.
December 18, 2009 - Heart Healthy recipes focus of Amrit new cookbook Read the full profile in India West here.
..."People who recognize the importance of knowledge will appreciate the book more than just people who want (a good-looking) cookbook." Read the full article from Milpitas Post here.
"Since Nanda’s success in combating the risk factors of heart disease, Purnima has become an evangelist for lifestyle and diet changes. She gives free talks and writes about heart healthy eating in various publications. She says, “I feel journalists, community and religious heads as well as thought leaders can influence and encourage proactive thinking, open-minded adoption of prevention measures, and promote the use of conscious informed decision making for South Asians.” Read the full article on Lassi With Lavina here.
Take a walk down the supermarket isles and the words jump out at you: “Good Source of Whole Grains”; “Excellent Source of Whole Grains”; “Made with Whole Wheat”; “Harvest Wheat”; “Multigrain” and “Blend of Grains.” What do these words mean? Why eat whole grains?  Read this informative article published in the Palo Alto Medical Foundation newsletter (2011) here.